Plan My Degree

Need to figure out which classes you still need to finish your degree? Considering another degree and want to know what coursework will transfer? Run a degree audit with Plan My Degree!

Plan My Degree automatically generates a report reflecting a student's academic progress toward the completion of a degree. A student may request a degree audit for their major or minor.

In addition, a student may request "What If" reports for other majors or minors they may be considering. The report automatically places the student's UMKC course work, transfer courses, and in progress courses within a series of requirements and sub-requirements for a specific degree program.

A degree audit is not a confirmation of requirement or degree completion. You must meet with your academic adviser to confirm progress toward earning your degree.

Plan My Degree

Running a degree audit

How do I use Plan My Degree to run a degree audit? What exactly is a degree audit? How does Plan My Degree work for double majors? Get answers to these questions and more here.

A degree audit is an automated report reflecting the student's academic progress toward the completion of a degree. The student may request a degree audit for their major or minor. In addition, "What If" reports may be requested for other majors or minors the student may be considering. The report automatically places the student's UMKC course work, transfer courses and in progress courses within a series of requirements and sub-requirements for a specific degree program.

  1. Navigate to Plan My Degree.
  2. Enter your SSO or username in the appropriate field. Do not include "" when you enter your username. Enter your password.
  3. Select Request New from the audits drop-down menu or the blue Request Audit button in the grey box.
  4. The "Run Declared Programs" area contains your current degree program. To request a degree audit for that specific degree program, select the Run Declared Programs button.
  5. To view the degree audit, select View Audit.
  6. Each section of the audit is called a requirement. Each requirement is numbered and is preceded by a check mark, an X or an ellipsis.
  7. To view the courses in each requirement that have been completed, select the tiny arrow beside the numbered requirement.
  8. The courses in the "select from" list are linked to the UMKC Course Catalog and will pull up the course description when you select one.

No. The degree audit report is a tool used by both academic advisors and students. The student should not rely on the degree audit without consulting with his or her academic advisors. The degree audit cannot replace one-on-one contact with the student's academic advisor, particularly in the student's area of interest.

Students with double majors will have a separate degree audit for each major program.

The report shows how transfer work that has been entered in Pathway will apply toward your degree requirements. Transfer coursework will appear in the audit with the equivalencies determined upon transfer, not with the course subjects and numbers from the previous institution.  If your transfer coursework is not appearing, you should contact your academic advisor to see if an official transcript needs to be submitted. 

Courses that will fulfill a requirement can be found within the requirement, by speaking to your academic adviser, or on the Major Maps site for the degree program. 

You should contact your advisor as soon as possible to clarify and confirm that the coursework has been evaluated.  Because you will be making decisions regarding enrollment each term, it is important to have an accurate record of requirement completion throughout your time at UMKC. 

  • To print the degree audit report with all of the requirements closed, select Close All Sections and Printer Friendly at the top of the audit. When the printer-friendly version appears, print as usual.
  • To print the degree audit with all of the requirements open, select Open All Sections and Printer Friendly at the top of the audit. When the printer friendly version appears, print as usual.
  • To print the degree audit report with chosen requirements open or closed, open or close the chosen requirements by selecting the tiny arrow to the left of the requirement number. When all sections are open or closed as they are supposed to be, select Printer Friendly at the top of the audit. When the printer-friendly version appears, print as usual.

  1. From the Request an Audit screen, choose "Select a Different Program."
  2. From the degree drop-down menu, select the degree program you would like to view, then select the most appropriate catalog year.
  3. Select Run Different Program.

  1. From the Audit Request screen, select Click to View Available Options. Select PDF from the drop-down box for Format.
  2. Finish running your audit.
  3. Once the audit has completed, it will appear in your list of audits as a PDF.
  4. Select View Audit. You will be given the option to download the PDF audit.